1. As Many of You as Have Been Baptized
2. O Great and Most Sacred Pascha
3. Cherubic Hymn (Mode Plagal IV)
4. Communion Verse for Sundays
5. Cherubic Hymn
6. Great Entrance and Communion Hymn for Holy Thursday (Mode Plagal IV)
7. Communion Verse for Sundays (Mode Plagal I)
8. Now the Powers of Heaven
9. Cherubic Hymn (Special Melody: The Thief Beheld)
10. Let All Mortal Flesh
11. Megalynarion for Christmas (from Three Christmas Hymns)
12. Ikos Six, from the Akthistos Hymn
13. Kontakion of the Mother of God (Mode Plagal IV)
14. O Tbe Rduyetsia
15. What Shall We Call You
16. Cherubic Hymn (Mode Plagal IV)
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